Much of our time in recent weeks has been consumed by preparations for our 40th anniversary celebrations. We have been publicising our achievements over the past four decades through the Independent Herald and social media outlets. This has had benefit with interest being expressed by some people to learn more about Rotary and to join us at future events.

This has also been our objective through breakfast meetings such as our trial breakfast at Marsden in May with several prospective members attending. We will also be resuming our business breakfasts on 19 July.
We have built a good attendance number for our 40th to celebrate our achievements and to bring old friends together with current Rotary members at the Wellesley Boutique Hotel at a luncheon on 18th June.  Mark Wood has worked hard to bring our club up to date history together in soft copy form which can be downloaded, and to have a power point running at the Wellesley. A run sheet on the dining tables will give you details for the afternoon’s celebration event.

We are looking forward to greeting our special guest and former member Judge Bill Unwin from Nelson. Bill has been recovering from covid, so hopefully will be back to his true form at our luncheon.

Later that afternoon we will have our Club changeover to the 2022-23 team led by President-Elect Jay. A further Club meeting will be held at Marsden this month, with new members of Karori Rotary, Bob Hamilton and Dr Chris Kalderimis speaking to members on 28 June.

On Saturday 25th June, District Rotary will have its changeover to incoming District Governor Marilyn Stevens. I invite you to join others in the club going to this event. If you haven’t registered, see details in this bulletin. It is not too late.

Meantime, take care, keep well, for our celebrations on the 18th.
Warm regards
President David